North America Region Valorant Accounts

Our statistics

One of the largest suppliers of Valorant smurf accounts worldwide is us. We offer the most alluring choice while keeping the demands of the customer in mind.

Because of this, customers are tremendously satisfied with our services, and a new Valorant account is purchased roughly every thirty minutes.


Successful accounts sold

49 min ago

Last account purchase

Why so cheap?
We differ from our competitors in that we offer reasonable costs and high quality. We do not resell or purchase our accounts, in contrast to other websites. We directly develop Valorant Smurfs with our professionals.
Live Chat
Only handleveled accounts
Instant delivery
Safe place to buy valorant account
30 Day guarantee
Cheap and high quality Valorant Smurfs
I purchased a Valorant smurf account, and I had never imagined having access to so many skins. With my available options, I'm glad to play every game.
Despite being a major fan of Valorant, I've never trusted account sellers. But once I made the decision to take a chance, the gamble paid out handsomely. I got the exact account I was hoping for.
I made the risky decision to buy one valorant account when I saw these low costs. Actually, I didn't think the smurf would meet all quality standards, but it appears that I was mistaken. For such low pricing, I got exactly what was promised. I've purchased three various skinned valorant accounts.
I ran into an issue with my valorant smurf. The issue was immediately resolved! Support was excellent and handled all of my issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to help you with your questions


Is your website the only one that provides warranties?
While many other suppliers of smurf accounts make claims about offering warranties, many will back out and make excuses when it comes to giving out replacement accounts. We were the first account vendor to give this warranty and are presently the only one that keeps our word, having been in business for a while. You may feel secure knowing you are totally covered for 7 days each time you purchase a Valorant smurf account from us.


How quickly after purchase I will receive my account?
Our automated system works constantly 24/7. All the details and account information will be sent to your email immediately just after the payment is confirmed.


Can I switch my already-bought account to a different one?
Unfortunately, we do not provide this type of service.


Can I choose an account?
Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with such an option.


Are you ensuring any guarantees?
You are covered with our 30 day warranty, so if anything happens to the account(-s) you bought from us - our support agents will solve any issue without additional cost!


Is it possible to contact you if I have more questions?
Of course. As with other professional service providers, you can contact us through email or Facebook. At the bottom of the page, you will find all our details so feel free to contact us. We will reply as soon as we will receive your message.


Can I share my account with other people, or can I sell my account if I want to?
Both answers are no. You are buying an account from our services just for Yourself. Sharing your account with other players invites the risk of losing it. Unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to change Your account password and email, just as you wouldn't be able to if something unfortunate happens. If something goes wrong when sharing or reselling your account, we are not held responsible.


Why the account I bought has already confirmed email address?
We do this in order to ensure our safety during and after the payment. It is not possible to change your account email address or password.


After a purchase, can I change my in game name?
Unfortunately, after a purchase you won't be able to change you in game name, same as password, or username, or email.
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Payment method
Stripe (Credit Card, Apple Pay) Stripe (Credit card, Apple Pay)
Coinbase Coinbase
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